Activism Made Easy: Print-and-Send Letters in Action

When it comes to pressuring Congress and the president to declassify the 28-page finding on foreign government support of the 9/11 terrorists, letters carry even more weight than a phone call—and we’ve already done most of the work for you.

With our Ready-to-Print Letters, you can rattle four federal cages in 15 minutes flat. Twitter user @wwyork recently did just that and made our day by tweeting us a photo of his handiwork—and his testimonial about just how simple it was.

REDACTED w911Use our Ready-to-Print Letters to ramp up the pressure on Congress and the president today.

Letters from 9/11 Family Group to Obama Go Unanswered

On three separate occasions, 9/11 Families United for Justice Against Terrorism has sent letters to President Obama, asking him to declassify the 28-page finding on foreign government support of the 9/11 hijackers. Each letter takes a slightly different approach to pleading for the release of the redacted section of a joint House/Senate intelligence study, but one thing they share in common is the response from the president and the White House: complete silence.

One would think an organized group of 9/11 family members would at least merit the courtesy of a presidential reply—if only to say he had received their letter and would give due consideration to their request. Instead, Obama has opted to ignore them, despite the fact that he has reportedly twice promised 9/11 families he would declassify the 28 pages.

The group sent its first letter on June 20, 2013, and never heard back. The group tried again on May 9, 2014—just ahead of the dedication of the 9/11 Museum in New York. Again, silence. Still determined, the organization sent a third letter on June 24 of this year that has likewise gone unanswered.

Former Senator Bob Graham
Former Senator Bob Graham

These letters weren’t simply dropped in a mailbox: According to the group’s co-chair, 9/11 survivor Sharon Premoli, the first was routed through the Office of the White House Counsel and the second and third were delivered to the White House by two different members of Congress.

The letters remind the president of his promises to 9/11 families, and point to the large and growing number of credible experts—including former Senator Bob Graham, who co-chaired the inquiry that created the 28 pages, and both the chairman and vice-chairman of the 9/11 Commission—who say there’s no valid national security reason for the continued secrecy. Indeed, even past and present Secretaries of State in the Obama White House Hillary Clinton and John Kerry are on record urging the declassification of the 28 pages; they did so as senators in a letter to George W. Bush.

You can read the group’s most recent letter here. It was delivered to the White House by North Carolina Congressman Walter Jones, who introduced and continues to champion H.Res.428, which urges the president to declassify the 28 pages.

The Obama White House seems to hope that, by ignoring 9/11 families, demands for 9/11 transparency will fall silent. However, as the group says in the closing of its latest unanswered letter, “There is a gathering storm in pursuit of the truth.”

The strength of that gathering storm lies in the growing number of everyday Americans who are contacting Congress and the White House to demand the release of the 28 pages. Take action today.