Call Congress

Congres sealIt only takes minutes to call your U.S. representative and senators and urge them to help declassify the 28 pages. (Prefer to write? Click here.)

Two switchboards in Washington connect you to any U.S. legislator. Not sure who they are? Find your representative and your senators.

Your call has two goals: Get them to read the 28 pages, and get them to cosponsor legislation urging the president to release them. Keep it courteous and brief.

Call Your Representative at 202-225-3121

“Hi, my name is [       ] and I’m a constituent. I’m calling to urge the representative to cosponsor House Resolution 14, which urges the president to declassify 28 pages on foreign government support of the 9/11 hijackers. 

I also have a specific question I’d like to have answered: Has the representative read the 28 pages?”

Call Your Senators at 202-224-3121

“Hi, my name is [       ] and I’m a constituent. I’m calling to urge the senator to cosponsor Senate Bill 1471, which would direct the president to declassify 28 pages on foreign government support of the 9/11 hijackers.

I also have a specific question I’d like to have answered: Has the senator read the 28 pages?”

Chances are, the staffer who takes your call won’t know if the legislator has read the 28 pages. Ask them to get the answer and then call you back. Get the name of the person you talk to. If you don’t hear back in a day or two, follow up until your questions are answered. What to do when politicians duck your 28 pages questions.

If asked, don’t hesitate to provide your address. Verifying that you’re a constituent means your opinion is taken much more seriously, and hopefully it will lead to you receiving a letter like this.

Learn more ways to make your voice heard.