Leaked Emails Suggest Trump Campaign Duplicity on 28 Pages

Trump publicly supported release of 28 pages on Saudi links to 9/11, but advisors shared inside info on killing of GOP platform plank

Paul Manafort gave news of GOP convention maneuvering to Tom Barrack, who informed UAE’s ambassador

Barrack urged Trump to refrain from making an issue of millions in Saudi money flowing to the Clinton Foundation

By Brian P. McGlinchey

Tom Barrack Speaks at the 2016 GOP Convention

According to leaked emails obtained by Middle East Eye, an unnamed Republican Party figure orchestrated the defeat of a proposed 2016 GOP plank calling for the declassification of 28 pages on Saudi government links to the 9/11 plotters.

That individual then notified Trump presidential campaign manager Paul Manafort of the plank’s defeat and claimed credit for providing instructions to “our political team” to kill it. Continue reading