28 Ways You Can Build the 28 Pages Movement

Whether you’re taking your first step toward helping declassify the 28-page finding on foreign government assistance to the 9/11 hijackers, or you’re looking for more ways to help, here are 28 ways you build the 28 pages movement.

1 & 2. Write to each of your two senators or call 202-224-3121 to ask them to cosponsor Senate Bill 1471. Here’s what to say.

3. Write to your representative or call 202-225-3121 to ask them to cosponsor House Resolution 14.

4. Write to the president or call the White House at 202-456-1111 and ask the president to keep his pledge to 9/11 families.

5. Like 28Pages.org on Facebook.

6. Follow @28Pages on Twitter.

7. Contact your favorite reporter, columnist, TV host, blogger or podcaster and ask them to give attention to the issue.

8. Write a letter to the editor.

9. Call in to a radio or TV talk show.

10. Email your friends a link to a video of Rep. Thomas Massie’s memorable remarks on his experience of reading the 28 pages.

11. Bring up the 28 pages using the “comments” feature found under articles on many news and other websites and include a link to an informative page about the 28 pages.

12. Start a discussion thread about the 28 pages on any message board.

13. Post a comment on an elected official’s Facebook page urging them to help declassify the 28 pages and include a link to an article or video on the topic.

14. Explain the issue to friends or family.

15. Invite some friends to like 28Pages.org on Facebook.

16. Subscribe to the 28Pages.org blog by clicking the button on the right side of this page.

17. Make a 28 pages bumper sticker or t-shirt (extra points for showing us your final product via social media).

18. Make and then share a YouTube video like this or this…or, if you want to get your groove on, maybe even this.

19. Share a 28Pages.org Facebook post.

20. Tweet a link to 28Pages.org or other educational content.

21. See if you can get a politically-oriented Twitter user with a large following to retweet you on the topic.

22. Visit your Congressional representative’s local office in person.

23 and 24. Visit each of your senators’ local offices in person.

25. Use #declassify when discussing the subject in social media.

26. Call any member of the Senate Intelligence Committee or House Intelligence Committee and ask them to use special rules to declassify the 28 pages without the president’s approval.

27. Choose any H.Res. 14 cosponsor and call to thank them for their stand.

28. Help us out—add your own activism idea in the comments below!

3 thoughts on “28 Ways You Can Build the 28 Pages Movement

  1. What role – if any – can interested persons living outside America play in furthering/promoting this issue?


  2. I would like to help by starting a local campaign intended to provide my community an unbiased report on the 28 pages so that they will understand the need for declassification.


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